We are looking forward to starting a new world in Minecraft 1.18 and seeing all the fantastic new features Mojang has included in this release! All of the showcased creators and teams worked hard to ensure fans could access their mods as soon as possible, and we will always be thankful for their effort! Which one of these entries do you think it’s a must-have in your Minecraft world? Is there any other mod you’d love to see updated for 1. Soaring Structures 2 is a neat mod that puts randomly generated islands above your world. Otherwise, it’s always fun to discover the mod by yourself and get your hands on some useful tools and materials! Minecraft 1.18.1 Mods Soaring Structures 2. Mods for Minecraft 1.18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Showing 1 to 15 of 156 results Log In Required Accessing certain features in our website requires authentication Sign In Or if you do not have an account Create an account Post is saved Mod version does not match with the version of selected modpack Post is saved to your bookmarks. The mod includes pipes, generators and automated repair and enchant systems, among other cool items that will overhaul your Minecraft experience to another level! The creator strongly suggests downloading Patchouli if you want to have a full rundown of everything included in the mod. Rather than focusing on a specific area, Cyclic aims to add various unrelated items to improve upon what’s already in the vanilla experience.